Palfrey Street ReportPlus 1.x

ReportPlus is an add-on module for OpenText Livelink or Content Server. It provides a quick-click method for users save the results of a LiveReport to a comma separated (CSV) or tab delimited (TXT) file. The data from an exported report can now be easily opened and formatted in a spreadsheet application, such as Microsoft Excel, or imported into another application for analysis.

ReportPlus simply adds an Export File button and format selection to the bottom of every LiveReport. When you save the results to a file, ReportPlus extracts the data from your web browser; it does not re-run the report, so you don’t have to wait for your data again.

ReportPlus is a free alternative to the web reporting add-on module for Livelink or Content Server. It provides this basic function that users often request, and now you can provide that capability without a large investement.

View a sample report and click Export File. If you like what you see, have further technical questions, or would like to request an evaluation copy, please contact us

Content Server 10 Compatible

Version 1.1 of Palfrey Street ReportPlus now provides full compatibility with OpenText Content Server 10. It also supports multiple languages through properties files (shipped with US English).

Update 1.0.1

The code for the Palfrey Street Excel Web Data Fix (PSEWD Fix) has been incorporated into version 1.0.1 of ReportPlus (for use with Livelink 9.x). Use your previous instructions to download the current version of ReportPlus or contact us for assistance.

Free Download

ReportPlus is now availble at no cost!
Now that Resonate KT Web Reports have been included in Content Server 10.5, this product has reached its end of life with Content Server 10.